Chiropractor at the Boksburg Medicross treats - Back pain, Neck pain and Headaches-Chiropractic Spine Centre - 011 026 0065
A typical initial consultation with a Chiropractor takes around 45 minutes were various pertinent orthopedic and chiropractic tests
are done to determine the condition the patient presents to the chiropractor with.
A treatment protocol is then determined by the chiropractor and explained to the patient, who may then ask any questions they have.
If the Chiropractor is not happy about certain aspects of the patients symptoms he may refer for an X-ray to further understand
the symptom and the cause.
(We have on site X-ray facilities at the Boksburg Medicross)
Follow up sessions with the chiropractor typically take between 20-30 minutes depending on the condition.
The patient is also given ergonomic advice, stretches and strengthening exercises and Do's and Dont's to speed up the recovery
try prevent future occurrences of back pain etc.
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